Grants and Programs
Traveling Mercy believes that by providing international experiences to those historically excluded from travel, we can open spaces for social, political, and economic equity.
In 2018, Traveling Mercy provided two students at Paul Public Charter School with grants for their summer study abroad programs. Our first student grant, helped to facilitate a first-time international experience for youth of color.
In 2019, Traveling Mercy worked with LearnServe International, to award two travel grants to young women of color traveling to Jamaica and South Africa.
Our 2020-2021 grants were paused due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
In 2022 we did a passport fee giveaway for first time travelers and we funded first time travel for an essential worker.
From 2023 to present we have provided several students from diverse backgrounds with tuition assistance, study abroad scholarships, and mentorship before traveling abroad.
Traveling Mercy provides grants and mentorship on a rolling basis. Please contact us for more information.
Our Partners
We conduct an annual search for partner organizations, but if your organization would like to apply to be a partner organization please contact us.
Previous Partners:
"Exposure is key to building bridges and not walls."
Cayla Machleit | BOARD MEMBER
29% of American adults have never been abroad.
Travel has been linked with anti-depression, stress relief and better physical health. Creativity, productivity and engaging careers are more likely for those that travel.
In 2016 only 9% of international travelers were Black and only 14% were Hispanic.
(Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, ITA, National Travel & Tourism Office, "Survey of International Air Travelers," December 2017)
Travel is more accessible to those with higher socio-economic status. In 2016, the average annual household income for international travelers was $122,210.
(Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, ITA, National Travel & Tourism Office, "Survey of International Air Travelers," December 2017)